adult sunday
Sunday Mornings -- 9:30 AM
Your word is a lamp to guide my feet
and a light for my path.
Psalms 119:105
Florence Avenue Foursquare Church is committed to excellence in Christian Living. We offer classes to all adults. Some study a book of the Bible and some a topic in Christian life. If you are single, married, attending by yourself, or with your family – we have a class that would love to welcome you!
OIKOS Young Adults

There is no place like home! This class is our humble attempt to allow Jesus to carry us home, where we find rest and are refreshed for the work ahead. Taking the gospel to our homes, colleges, workplaces, and other communities.
Location: The Upper Room(above the BabyZone)
Group: Ages 18-30’s
Teacher: Angel Garcia
Location: The Upper Room(above the BabyZone)
Group: Ages 18-30’s
Teacher: Angel Garcia
Young Marrieds

The Young Marrieds class focuses on issues related to marriage, relationships, careers, and general Biblical topics. A perfect class for engaged & newly young married couples.
Location: Hospitality Room
Group: Married 5 years & under
Teacher: John Upton
Location: Hospitality Room
Group: Married 5 years & under
Teacher: John Upton
All 4 One

A Sunday School class that welcomes all adults, married or single, who desire to learn more of God’s word in a simple and comprehensive format.
Location: Berean Room
Teacher: Abel Prado
Location: Berean Room
Teacher: Abel Prado

The Singles class focuses on a variety of studies from the Bible, as well as current events and their impact on our Christian walk and relationship with one another.
Location: Fireside Room
Group: 35 plus (Singles)
Teacher: Lonnie Wold
Location: Fireside Room
Group: 35 plus (Singles)
Teacher: Lonnie Wold
Salt & Light

The Salt & Light class emphasizes Biblically based studies which are applicable to everyday living, encouraging believers to be the “salt & light” to the community around them.
Location: Christian Life Center (Gym) – Room 104
Group: 35 plus (Married/Singles)
Teacher: Wayne Hammond
Location: Christian Life Center (Gym) – Room 104
Group: 35 plus (Married/Singles)
Teacher: Wayne Hammond
Worship Arts

In everything we do, we worship Christ. This class looks at worship and arts in a very unique way and how it applies to our everyday life. Come and be challenged to live your life as worship.
Location: Choir Room
Group: 18 plus (Married/Singles)
Teacher: Dorothy Quertermous
Location: Choir Room
Group: 18 plus (Married/Singles)
Teacher: Dorothy Quertermous
New Horizons

New Horizons is a class that believes prayer changes things. This Bible Study focuses on practical applications of Biblical teachings and encouraging each other through light-hearted fellowship and prayer support.
Location: Christian Life Center (Gym) – Snack Room
Group: 50 plus (Married/Singles)
Teacher: Bob Galvan
Location: Christian Life Center (Gym) – Snack Room
Group: 50 plus (Married/Singles)
Teacher: Bob Galvan
Christian Life Fellowship

This class is made up of an active group of Senior Saints. The class lessons are geared to strengthen and motivate our Christian influence in the world.
Location: Fellowship Hall
Group: 55 plus (Married/Singles)
Teacher: Joe Jenkins
Location: Fellowship Hall
Group: 55 plus (Married/Singles)
Teacher: Joe Jenkins
Life Builders

This class is a great entry place for new believers, a place to grow in the Word, knowledge of the Lord, and community.
Location: Prayer Chapel
Group: New Believers
Teacher: Bob Archuleta
Location: Prayer Chapel
Group: New Believers
Teacher: Bob Archuleta